Why We’re Reading Literotica Instead Of Watching Porn

You’re looking for something to start your engine and your copy of Fifty Shades of Grey is already falling apart at the seams. You go to Pornhub and see yet another 25-year-old MILF trapped in a washing machine. Ugh. Instead of all that, try out some literotica – erotic stories you can read online or in books.

They say that men watch porn because they are visual creatures. Maybe women would be visual creatures if the visuals on porn sites weren’t often sexist and gross. That’s why literotica has been called “porn for women.”

Now your imagination can run wild without getting distracted by the unconvincing orgasm noises and unnaturally hairless bodies. And trust us, the hype is real. The most popular literotica website, Literotica.com, gets 62.4 million visits per month.

It’s clear that people of all genders enjoy reading sex stories. And the New Year resolution to read more is actually being met. You can try eating less sugar next year.

Continue reading at Darcy Magazine.


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