15 Questions To Ask Before You Move In Together, So You Don’t Move Right Back Out

There’s so much to prepare when you move in with your partner. Before you get into all the logistics, though, there are questions you need to ask before you move in together to set your new life up for success. You’ve got to be prepared to talk about future plans, money, chores, traditions, intimacy, and more, all before you start packing up the U-Haul.

Emotional exhaustion, meet physical exhaustion. And then meet couch. what to ask before you move in together

And sure, the logistical concerns matter too. You have to find a place to live, after all, and schedule the movers – or your most pizza-motivated friends. Perhaps most importantly, you have to combine your mug collections to a reasonable number – 38 is reasonable, right?

But before you post that selfie of you, your partner, and the keys to your new place on Instagram, be sure you’ve hashed out all the things on this list first.

Read more at Darcy Magazine.


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